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Détails du produit
Made of carefully layered, state-of-the-art silicone and reinforced with an integrated mesh liner, bebionic gloves are soft, easy to clean, and easily donned or doffed. These optional cosmetic gloves are highly crafted, including hand painted nails and a micropigmentation coloring process. Available in 8 natural skin tone colors plus a jet-black option, bebionic skin silicone gloves add natural beauty and protection to the finished prosthesis.
- Available in 9 different colors, including jet black (8S711* for the standard shades, 8S710* for jet black)
- Easy to clean with warm water and ph-neutral soap
- UV resistant and thermally stable for a long shelf life
- Now with less layers of silicone for increased elasticity and flexibility
- Order “-N” for New models
bebionic Skin Silicone Gloves: Specification Sheet
Information produit
Document PDF | Date de publication : 26 avr. 2021
bebionic Reimbursement Guide
Reimbursement: Toolkit
Document PDF | Date de publication : 10 août 2022
UL Documentation Packet
Reimbursement: Documentation Guide
Document PDF | Date de publication : 28 févr. 2020