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Taleo Adjust
Item #: 1C56Détails du produit
The Taleo Adjust was designed for active users who navigate a wide range of indoor and outdoor environments, and who place a high value on flexibility in the choice of footwear. At the push of a button, users can set the appropriate heel height from 0 up to 2 ¾” (0 up to 7 cm).
Designed for optimal outcomes
- User adjustable heel height carbon foot
- Waterproof - protected against fresh, salt, and chlorinated water
- The easy, infinitely variable heel height adjustment from 0 to 2 ¾” (0 to 7 cm) allows users to wear different shoes.
- The seamless rollover from heel strike to toe-off allows easy and comfortable walking without dead spots – depending on the footwear.
- Thanks to three different heel wedges, both the impact stress at heel strike and the gait dynamics can be customized to individual needs.
- Option between standard Taleo footshell or new low-cut option to allow for wider range of shoes and cosmetic finishing.
Pièces de rechange
1C56 Taleo Adjust Instructions for Use
Notice d’utilisation
Document PDF | Date de publication : 4 oct. 2023
Taleo Adjust Reimbursement Information
Document PDF | Date de publication : 4 août 2023
1C56 Taleo Adjust Product Brief
Information produit
Document PDF | Date de publication : 2 oct. 2023