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Détails du produit
The tube clamp adapter is water-resistant. It has four grooves in the pyramid receiver section, which ensure that the adapter is flooded when setting foot in water. The prosthesis is prevented from becoming buoyant as a result.Pièces de rechange
2WR95, 2WR95=1, Tube Adapters, 4WR95=3 Tube Clamp Adapter - Instructions for Use
Notice d’utilisation
Document PDF | Date de publication : 13 août 2012
Tube Clamp Adapters - Instructions for Use - 4R21, 4R21=1, 4R52, 4R52=1, 4R56, 4R56=1, 4R56=2, 4R69, 4R69=AL, 4R82, 4R82=P, 4R91, 4R156, 4R156=1, 4R156=2, 4WR95=3
Notice d’utilisation
Document PDF | Date de publication : 10 juil. 2020