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Détails du produit
The adapter is available with three angles. It establishes the connection between the pyramid adapter in the knee joint and the tube of the anteriorly located hip joint.
- For larger pelvic sockets, the 4R56=1/=2 Tube Clamp Adapter, angled at 20°/30°, is recommended. Please note the 10° angle of the pyramid adapter when using "=HD" knee joints.
Pièces de rechange
4R56 Tube Clamp Adapter, 2R30 Tube - Instructions for Use
Notice d’utilisation
Document PDF | Date de publication : 7 févr. 2014
Tube Clamp Adapters - Instructions for Use - 4R21, 4R21=1, 4R52, 4R52=1, 4R56, 4R56=1, 4R56=2, 4R69, 4R69=AL, 4R82, 4R82=P, 4R91, 4R156, 4R156=1, 4R156=2, 4WR95=3
Notice d’utilisation
Document PDF | Date de publication : 10 juil. 2020